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Denize de Senneville attended art college in South Africa where the emotional and creative highs that she experienced through all forms of art encouraged her to do fashion design, ceramics, jewellery, weaving and painting. After exploring different artistic mediums, Denize found that abstract painting allowed her mind to run free and feel a deep emotion towards her designs that flow onto the canvas.


Drawing inspiration from nature’s rich colour palette for her artworks, Denize explores the plethora of natural shapes and colours, which enhance the creativity that flows in her art, as she navigates a spiritual balance inspired by nature. For Denize, solace comes from taking time to observe little everyday things in nature and wander around local beaches, where she has found a happy space and expresses these moments in her artwork.


Her art bowls are crafted with different techniques to varying sizes and shapes including sand, fabrics, cement and titbits of nature that Denize foraged from local beaches. The mix of natural fibers and materials from the ocean add texture and add a distinctive element to her art.


The challenge of balancing colour, texture and perspective, stretches Denize’s imagination to connect audiences to her art. Her framed artworks contain the colours of bracken streams, forest floors, blue seas and light sunset pinks. and use acrylic paint, oil/wax medium, watercolour collage pencils and pens to vary the texture. By mixing natural colours and mediums into her work, Denize explores the relationship between nature and abstract, and blends them into a harmonizing composition.